Friday 13 January 2012

It's here!

My breadmaker has arrived! 

I feel like I should warn anyone thinking about buying a breadmaker that they are heavier than you think. I asked for my lovely new gift to be delivered to my college address instead of my house to ensure that someone would be in to collect it. Thinking it would be a medium sized box, one my not so athletic arms could carry, was a mistake. I lugged it about 2 blocks until I called a friend to drive me the next 4 blocks- which I must say would have made my arms completely fall off! My arms were shaky from over exertion for about an hour. This could possibly be a sign that I should focus less on cooking and eating and more on exercise, but I'm going to ignore that and move on.

My breadmaker, who I have yet to name (Yes it must be named. My family names everything- including our thanksgiving turkey who was named Bonita this year! suggestions for the breadmaker?), has a snug place on my small countertop and will be used this weekend to make a recipe for pear, goatcheese and freshly made honey baked bread- a beautiful recipe traditionally using fig posted by B COMME BON. I'm looking forward to it!

I've also asked my friend Odile if she'd like to help experiment with more difficult recipes and she's thrilled so there will be plenty more pictures and food to come. I've got my eye on some special pancake and pie recipes. Bon appetit my food loving friends.

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