Tuesday 24 January 2012

Exciting News!

Apologies for my lack of cooking this past week. I have an essay deadline on Friday and have been struggling to get it done. As a reward for turning it in I have planned to spend all day Friday cooking so, there will be plenty to see and read then! My free time has consisted of searching for delicious recipes to try. I'm going to make a nice breakfast and dinner (with starters, main, and desert. YUM!)

While I have no new culinary adventures to share today I have just been e-mailed by a friend with some very exciting news. There is a cookbook, yes an entire marvelous cookbook, dedicated to those who can not eat gluten or dairy (The book on the left- incase it's not obvious). Now, I don't know how long the "Intolerant Gourmet", as she calls herself, has existed but I thank her, praise her even. I'm so excited to try some of her recipes. I know my excitement may be a bit overdone but, do keep in mind that I've been in my room writing an essay for about 2 weeks.

I hope that I've shed some new light on your allergy cooking experience with this new find.

Two things I now know to be true:
1: people really do write about everything
2: writing essays still sucks

Lots of love and bon appetit my cooking friends.

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