Thursday 12 January 2012


Bonjour. Today was my first day back at university after quite a harrowing train journey. Five hours on the train, only to get in trouble with the train conductor for a potentially criminal offense I had no intention of committing. To add salt to an already sore wound, I got home and immediately locked myself out of the house. Picture me standing outside my door completely disillusioned and unimpressed. Today has started off on a better foot. First... I got back into my house- always nice :) and I made a lovely pot of soup.

One of the best things about winter is the comfort food! My mother always says vegetable soups should have every color. Whether this is a culinary trick or her need for aesthetic pleasure, I have taken that rule to heart and use it every time I make a nice big pot of soup. This last month I was at home and my mother managed to make a purple, yes purple, cabbage soup. Attempting to avoid this the following recipe will have no cabbage :)

This is probably the easiest possible food item to make- it hard to mess up vegetable soup so it's a good place to start!

Today's soup has:
1 eggplant- cubed (1 aubergine for the Brits)
2 onions- diced
1 clove of garlic- chopped
2 carrots- peeled and chopped
1 swede - cubed (Probably the hardest vegetable I have ever tried to cut. Put some muscle into it!)
1 cup corn
2 or 3 handfuls of spinach
salt- to taste
pepper- to taste
chilli powder- 1 teaspoon
cumin- 1 teaspoon
rosemary- 1 teaspoon
3 chicken stock cubes

The spices are the fun part- that's where you can add an extra dash of this or that. I love the chilli powder because it adds the extra kick of flavor without scorching your tongue.

Adding chicken, noodles or rice is a nice addition to make it a bit thicker.

Like I said, an easy thing to start with on my first day back and it will serve for some great lunches this week! I'm getting a breadmaker soon which is what I'm honestly looking forward to most. Fresh bread every day when you wake up- what a luxury! Especially because it has a gluten free setting. Believe me there will be plenty more about bread related things to come. Lots of love and bon appetit!

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